Running a Lens Node
Learn how to run a Lens node.
Setup Instructions
For a Testnet instance:
docker-compose --file testnet-external-node.yml up -d
Mainnet coming soon
docker ps -f "name=lens-node-external-node"
The status of the container should be Up.
To make a request to the API, you can use the following command:
curl --request POST \ --url http://localhost:3060/ \ --header 'Content-Type: application/json' \ --data '{ "jsonrpc": "2.0", "id": 1, "method": "zks_getMainContract", "params": [] }'
Example response:
{ "jsonrpc": "2.0", "result": "0x9cff734c0529e89e2294b592d9f4d310754ec8ca", "id": 1}
Checking the Node State
You can check the logs of the Docker container to see if there are any errors:
docker logs -f --tail 100 lens-node-external-node-1
You can also check the healthcheck endpoint to see if the node is healthy:
curl http://localhost:3081/health
Example response:
{ "status": "ready", "components": { "tree": { "status": "ready", "details": { "leaf_count": 5135, "min_l1_batch_number": 0, "mode": "lightweight", "next_l1_batch_number": 3454, "root_hash": "0xef63592d85ef5cd1986af2af0ba4040fc13392c1c5639b2cd7347fd6793adea7", "stage": "main_loop" } }, "prometheus_exporter": { "status": "ready" }, "consistency_checker": { "status": "ready", "details": { "first_checked_batch": 3431 } }, "commitment_generator": { "status": "ready", "details": { "l1_batch_number": 3453 } }, "batch_status_updater": { "status": "ready", "details": { "last_committed_l1_batch": 3430, "last_executed_l1_batch": 3430, "last_proven_l1_batch": 3430 } }, "ws_api": { "status": "ready" }, "http_api": { "status": "ready" }, "main_node_http_rpc": { "status": "ready" }, "reorg_detector": { "status": "ready", "details": { "last_correct_l1_batch": 3453, "last_correct_l2_block": 14072 } } }}
Resetting the Node State
docker-compose --file <network>-external-node.yml down --volumes
API Access
The HTTP JSON-RPC API will be exposed on port 3060 (localhost:3060).
The WebSocket API will be exposed on port 3061 (localhost:3061).
System Requirements
The following are minimal requirements:
CPU: A relatively modern CPU is recommended.
RAM: 32 GB
- Storage:
Testnet Nodes: 30 GB
Mainnet Nodes: 300 GB, with the state growing.
Network: 100 Mbps connection (1 Gbps+ recommended)
Advanced Setup
For additional configurations like monitoring, backups, recovery from DB dump or snapshot, and custom PostgreSQL settings, please refer to the ansible-en-role repository.