Tenderly RPC
Tenderly enables developers to interact with Lens RPC endpoints and offers additional RPC methods for simulations and debugging.

To access Tenderly RPC endpoints:
Login to your Tenderly account.
From the Tenderly Dashboard, open the Node RPCs section in the side panel.
Click Create Node RPC.
Select Lens Testnet.
Copy RPC endpoint from dashboard, it will be in format: https://lens-sepolia.gateway.tenderly.co/insert_api_key_here
Tenderly Node RPCs include additional methods for simulation and debugging:
tenderly_simulateTransaction: Simulate the outcome of a transaction before signing.
tenderly_simulateBundle: Simulate multiple transactions in a single request.
tenderly_traceTransaction: Get a decoded trace of an existing transaction.
tenderly_estimateGas: Get information on gas usage for a given transaction.
tenderly_estimateGasBundle: Get information on gas usage for a bundle of transactions.
tenderly_decodeInput: Heuristically decode external function calls.
tenderly_decodeError: Heuristically decode custom errors.
tenderly_decodeEvent: Heuristically decode emitted events.
tenderly_functionSignatures: Retrieve function interfaces based on 4-byte function selectors.
tenderly_errorSignatures: Retrieve error interfaces based on 4-byte selectors.
tenderly_eventSignature: Retrieve event interfaces based on 32-byte event signatures.
For more details on JSON-RPC methods, see the Tenderly Node documentation