Viem SDK
Interact with the Lens Network using Viem. A template web app can be found here.
The Lens Network SDK offers first-class support for Viem, a popular TypeScript Interface for Ethereum. Specifically, it adopts Viem paradigms and provides stateless, low-level primitives for interacting with the Lens Network.
This section presumes that you are familiar with the client-action architecture of Viem.
Getting Started
First, install Viem package:
Next, configure your Client by selecting the desired Transport and a Lens Network Chain.
Viem enables interaction with the Lens Network through various actions, including sending transactions, signing messages, reading contract data, managing wallet networks, and custom Lens Network / ZKSync actions.
To send transactions, you can use the sendTransaction or writeContract functions from Viem. The sendTransaction function is suitable for simple gas token transfers ($GRASS), while writeContract is used for executing contract functions that modify the blockchain state.
Sending a Transaction:
import { walletClient } from './walletClient';
const hash = await walletClient.sendTransaction({ to: '0xRecipientAddress', value: 1000000000000000000n, // Amount in wei});
Executing a Contract Function:
import { walletClient } from './walletClient';import { contractAbi } from './abi';
const hash = await walletClient.writeContract({ address: '0xContractAddress', abi: contractAbi, functionName: 'functionName', args: [arg1, arg2],});
To sign messages for cryptographic authentication, the signMessage or signTypedData functions can be used.
Sign Message:
import { walletClient } from './walletClient';
const signature = await walletClient.signMessage({ message: 'Hello, Lens Network!',});
Sign Typed Data:
import { walletClient } from './walletClient'
const signature = await walletClient.signTypedData({ account: '0xf39fd6e51aad88f6f4ce6ab8827279cfffb92266', domain: { name: 'Ether Mail', version: '1', chainId: 1, verifyingContract: '0xCcCCccccCCCCcCCCCCCcCcCccCcCCCcCcccccccC', }, types: { Person: [ { name: 'name', type: 'string' }, { name: 'wallet', type: 'address' }, ], Mail: [ { name: 'from', type: 'Person' }, { name: 'to', type: 'Person' }, { name: 'contents', type: 'string' }, ], }, primaryType: 'Mail', message: { from: { name: 'Cow', wallet: '0xCD2a3d9F938E13CD947Ec05AbC7FE734Df8DD826', }, to: { name: 'Bob', wallet: '0xbBbBBBBbbBBBbbbBbbBbbbbBBbBbbbbBbBbbBBbB', }, contents: 'Hello, Bob!', },})
Contract Read
To call a smart contract view function, use the readContract function. The multicall function allows batching view function calls into a single request.
Read Contract Function:
import { publicClient } from './publicClient';import { contractAbi } from './abi';
const data = await publicClient.readContract({ address: '0xContractAddress', abi: contractAbi, functionName: 'functionName', args: [arg1],});
import { publicClient } from './publicClient';import { contractAbi } from './abi';
const results = await publicClient.multicall({ contracts: [ { address: '0xContractAddress1', abi: contractAbi, functionName: 'functionName1', args: [arg1], }, { address: '0xContractAddress2', abi: contractAbi, functionName: 'functionName2', args: [arg2], }, ],});
Wallet Network
To manage the connected wallet network, the addChain or switchChain functions can be used.
To install Lens Network SDK to access Lens Network chains object, install with your package manager of choice:
npm install @lens-network/sdk@canary
Switch chain to Lens Testnet:
import { chains } from "@lens-network/sdk/viem";import { walletClient } from './walletClient'
await walletClient.switchChain({ id: })
Add Lens Testnet chain to wallet:
import { chains } from "@lens-network/sdk/viem";import { walletClient } from './walletClient'
await walletClient.addChain({ chain: chains.testnet })
Lens Network Actions
- Lens Wallet Actions
- EIP-712 Actions
- L2 Public Actions
- L1 Public Actions
import { sendRawTransactionWithDetailedOutput } from "@lens-network/sdk/viem";
import { walletClient } from "./walletClient";
const result = await sendRawTransactionWithDetailedOutput(walletClient, { serializedTransaction: "0x02f8500182031180…",});
ZKSync Actions
ZKsync EIP-712 Actions for enhanced transaction signing.
ZKsync L2 Public Actions for Layer 2 operations.
ZKsync L1 Public Actions for Layer 1 interactions.
Custom RPC Node
If you want to use a Lens Network RPC node other than the default one, you can specify the custom RPC node URL in the http transport.