Error Handling
This guide will show you how to handle errors on Lens.
Lens tools categorize errors as either failures or exceptions:
Failure: A known issue directly related to business logic prevents the task from completing successfully. These scenarios are anticipated and managed within the application.
Exception: An unexpected issue arises, such as incorrect usage, invariant errors, or external/system malfunctions, which are not tied to business logic.
- GraphQL
- TypeScript
The Lens API embraces this distinction by modeling failures as part of the response payload. For instance, when a mutation fails, the response provides a structured outcome that specifies the nature of the failure:
mutation { authenticate(request: { id: "<>", signature: "<signature>" }) { ... on AuthenticationTokens { accessToken refreshToken idToken }
... on WrongSignerError { reason }
... on ExpiredChallengeError { reason }
... on ForbiddenError { reason } }}
In contrast, exceptions are represented as GraphQL Errors and occur in cases where an unexpected issue, such as a validation error, disrupts the query or mutation execution.
Error Response
{ "errors": [ { "message": "Validation error", "locations": [ { "line": 2, "column": 3 } ], "path": ["authenticate"], "extensions": { "code": "INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR" } } ], "data": { "authenticate": null }}